BLOG #2: How To Lose

You must’ve read the title of the blog and thought to yourself, “How to lose?” or if not that, “Why would I want to lose?” We, as people, be so accustomed to either winning in certain aspects of our life that we do not value losing more often than not. Winning does bring reward to further cement our place among the people and in history. History more often than not remembers both, winners and losers, but the winners forget that they were once the loser.

For starters, look at everything that Michael Jordan has accomplished in his illustrious career. A decorated hall of famer, six time NBA champion, and undisputed G.O.A.T of all time. Throughout his illustrious career he lost more in the beginning before things turned around for him and dedicated himself to never losing again when it mattered most. He once said, “I never lost a game. I only ran out of time.” Now, I’m paraphrasing that quote from him but a quote like that could be seen as an ego big enough needed to be deflated, but it isn’t because he put the time, effort, practiced enough, and dedicated himself to the craft of basketball to be the best. As long as you can back it up in whatever it is that you are good at it’s never bragging.

Another example, more on the side of fiction, let’s look at Batman. I, for one, personally enjoy the stories written for Batman more so than not. The casual audience only sees him for the gadgets, the costume, his heroics, and the fact that he is 100% pure badass in whatever medium he is portrayed. To the hardcore audience, like myself, knows that there more to the character that meets the eye, or in this case more to the man behind the costume. Batman has witnessed loss (death of his parents), been traumatized through loss (Jason Todd the 2nd Robin), developed his persona and psyche from failed experiences (war on crime, being “normal”, and failed marriage to Catwoman), and has been shrouded through loss in his entire history. In the end, his losses amounted to him never giving up but finding ways to succeed, and learning from them. Determined and being better the next time around gave him the will to win against evil because he learned from loss.

Personally I, myself, have learned from losses and didn’t understand the concept of losing leading to success or winning. At a point in my life, late teens early twenties, I felt a seal of invincibility that could never be shattered. Me, ever fathoming or conceiving the thought of me being beat in life had never crossed my mind. Whether I had dropped out of college, lost out on potential love in my life, messed up bigger opportunities to further myself, or even cause self-inflicted trouble those experiences came with loss but lead me to where I am today. After some time I had turnaround in my life that is leading me to be a little successful, not where I want to be, but at least in a better position than before.

As of right now, I’m back in school full time through my job which came in clutch if I’m being honest about that. I’m working a job that pays $20+ hourly three days on and four days off which gives me ample opportunity and time to handle any personal projects or affairs to get in order so I can’t beat that. I’m not saying everything right now is golden but I will say that I’m doing better than I ever done in the past three years. Losing in life outright sucks but when you’re getting yourself together, and put yourself in a position to win the results are going to surprise you.

In the end, LOSING IS NOT THE END OF THE ROAD OR THE END OF THE WORLD!!! Losing is a path in life everyone takes on the road to success/winning, whether you make it easy or hard, it is inevitable to avoid no matter who you are. The people you look up to whether, real or fictional, suffered from loss but ultimately bounced back to win in the end. If I can bounce back then you definitely can bounce back too, just gonna take some time for everything to come to fruition. Never rush to get everything because you’ll be over your head doing everything at once, do everything one at a time and make sure that one task/job/affair is properly taken care of, and finally basks in the silence of victory when it’s all said and done no one needs to know everything you accomplished.

As always, you guys stay safe and do the best you can in any endeavor even when you think you aren’t good. As long as you try and give your best that’s all that should matter to you. Also, stop stressing every inconvenience because whether you here today or gone tomorrow that inconvenience doesn’t last forever. Take care and I’ll see you guys next blog.

Blog #1: Down Bad but Still Going

You ever just go through a rough patch in your life, nothing is going right and it doesn’t seem to get better, but somehow you still got the will to press forward regardless of the obstacles. Look, I know the feeling personally and mutually speaking, because I been there before and it’s not a good feeling but I still felt the need to press forward. I pressed forward because I knew those rough patches would eventually become anew and the good times would come rolling in again.

In order to get to the highest of highs we must experience the lowest of lows. Picture the lowest moment in your life and compare that to where you are currently in your life. Think of the sequence of events that led you to be at your lowest in life, and now think of the steps you took to get yourself out of that low point, yes, it took some time and work but it also taught you a valuable lesson: that’d you will never put or see yourself at the point ever again in your life.

Let it be known that it doesn’t matter the stature or the social status of a person, EVERYONE goes through SOMETHING. Celebrities, regular people, and even the homeless go through different struggles in life. Celebrities deal with the everyday pressure of keeping up their daily or sporadic appearances, stepping on eggshells when it comes to addressing the public and carefully wording what they say when social issues arise, and more importantly how they conduct themselves too. The common folk or regular people, like us, we go through almost everyday struggle whether minimal or substantial. It would be a no-brainer for us to trade places with celebrities and have that security to be secure with no worries of everyday life but that is not the case. From wondering how to navigate everyday life, figuring out how to solve personal problems, and simply just making it in a world that does not owe you anything. Us common folk we will always make a way, we will always find a way, and damn sure do what we do to get our way. To be quick and frank on the homeless, I’m not saying they love their situation(s), but they know how to make the best of it whether they love it or hate it. To some it might be the best thing to them with no worries at all about living and to most they don’t like their situation and wish they made better decisions in their life.

Albeit, keep going forward. You might take a peep and look back on past situations but DO NOT let IT or YOU impede your progress. Take note of your improvements not only within yourself but to your overall well being and around you. Whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or in any facet of your life do not let bad experiences impede your growth in life. Let those experiences marinate in you and you grow from them because down the line it’ll show whether you learned or doomed to repeat past mistakes.

These definitely are some trying times we’re going through, not just me, but everyone around the world. I won’t nor will I ever tell people, or you, how to feel about yourself or situations but I will say this: TRUST AND BELIEVE EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALRIGHT!!! Tough times don’t last but you have all the time in the world to make sure they never happen again (or often). In the end, be safe and take care of yourselves, only person that’s going to look out for you is you and never depend on anyone else for YOUR NEEDS. People don’t care about your problems, honestly they glad you got them because misery loves company.

Take care, be safe, and catch the next blog.



Rep discusses the latest happenings with him, speaking on the miscellaneous topics in the world, telling you to be better, and closing you out with the good word. ALL THAT ON REL IS TALK. Let’s Connect On Social Media 📸 Instagram: 🐦 Twitter: 👻Snapchat: 🎥🎙Podcast : 🌲LinkTree: RhymersBlock: Blog: ——– Contact Me Here ———- 📥 Email : or Send me emails with fan questions or just any love and admiration for the show. ——– Support Me Here ———- 💵CashApp: $JarielSmith 🅿️ Paypal: — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. — Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:




Should guys make the 1st move? Or should women take more of an initiative nowadays? Well, here on REL IS TALK I say first impressions are the best impressions but never your last impressions. We’ll discuss that plus some of the miscellaneous stuff from the week and my two cents on why we are living in crazier times and more on this regular edition of REL IS TALK. Let’s Connect On Social Media 📸 Instagram: 🐦 Twitter: 👻Snapchat: 🎥🎙Podcast : 🌲LinkTree: ——– Contact Me Here ———- 📥 Email : or Send me emails with fan questions or just any love and admiration for the show. ——– Support Me Here ———- 💵CashApp: $JarielSmith 🅿️ Paypal: — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. — Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:




The latest happenings in the world today: Afghanistan chaos, COVID-19 PART 2, USA IS NOW US-OVER, and is the rapture upon us? The latest in the sports world with basketball, football, baseball, pro wrestling and others. Miscellaneous talk telling you to stay safe and invest your money wisely. All that and much more on REL IS TALK!!! Let’s Connect On Social Media 📸 Instagram: 🐦 Twitter: 👻Snapchat: 🎥🎙Podcast : 🌲LinkTree: ——– Contact Me Here ———- 📥 Email : or Send me emails with fan questions or just any love and admiration for the show. ——– Support Me Here ———- 💵CashApp: $JarielSmith 🅿️ Paypal: — This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. — Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:





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